Thursday 12 September 2013

Peep Toe

dress // h+m
shoes // new look
bracelets // aldo, topshop
earings // primark

I can't quite say goodbye to the summer wardrobe yet - hence why I am still in a pale pink floating dress. I do love this dress though, my mum actually gave this to me as she thought it didn't suit her (win) . It has a flattering fit and is comfortable; I love the detailing at the top of the dress too, it stops it from being too plain. I tried the outfit with different belts and necklaces but decided it looked best on its own. The shoes are a new investment which I adore! I haven't had a chance to wear them out yet but from wearing them in the house (which i've been doing a lot of) the seem wobbly, but easy to wear. I love the way they give the outfit a grunge edge rather then being too girly.


  1. I love your shoes!! They are amazing, I can't believe they are New Look!
    Welcome to the blogging world! :)
    Nicole xo

    1. I know! I love getting good finds! thanks :D xo

  2. I love that white dress! It's so flowy and dreamy, the black heels balances out the girlyness of the dress. Your hair is lovely! Welcome to the blogging world! x

    Daphne | Peanut Butter and Chocolate Life | bloglovin

    1. Hey! Thanks so much! the dress is such a nice fit too I feel like i'm in my pj's xx

  3. Those shoes are an absolute dream! Love this outfit!
    Sophs xx

  4. Love the shoes!! And your hair is nice too, love the colour!!

    Great post!!

    Katrina X

  5. Cute shoes. i love newlook boots
